Monday, October 5, 2009

District 6 Curios Spending

Click link to listen: Curious Spending Habits

3A The Rest of The Story?!

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3A Rest of Story.mp3

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I'm not creating this blog for campaign purposes. It is permanent for as long as I am on the board. I make my living by communicating and communication and trust is sorely needed as a foundation to improvement in District 6. Here is where you can interact with me. You will be blocked if you are being non-realistic, flapping your gums or just being selfish and one sided.

I want to hear about real problems in district 6. It's rumored there are warehouses full of wasted/outdated textbooks. Gimme a picture. I understand administration on the 4th floor got new carpet, paint and furniture. Maybe reasonable, can anybody tell me if the prior conditions were adequate?

Literacy problem is setting non-English speaking students for failure.

I have already began working with Hispanic teachers who have dealt with this problem before in CA. and know how to fix it.

Maybe you have ideas to make the district better? For example...

I’m a real estate investor-my wife is a broker. We keep hearing about the commercial real estate bubble bursting in 2010 or 2011. What will happen if schools begin leaning hard on this bubble when it goes POP!!?

District 6 has also been number 1 in the nation in foreclosures for several months in a row. We’re number 2 in the state right now for unemployment. Know what 3A will do to our commercial property tax? Think New Frontier Bank

Besides not addressing the problem. Timing could not be worse. We are in the midst of the worst economy since the great depression 80 years ago.

We want what’s best for the children and 3A is way too much, way too general given to the very people who got us here in the first place.

If you own a commercial property in Greeley or Evans, your new rate will be about $2k per $75kin value. A chairperson of the task force charged with justifying this tax is married to the Prez of UNC and … a candidate for Mayor of Greeley!!!

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to

live at the expense of everybody else.

-Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong

A Teacher’s email…

Teachers are educated licensed professionals in the State as are many other folks. These other professions work more than 40 hours a week, get no guaranteed raises for State mandated education requirements as teachers do, and never receive tenure. A starting salary of $30K is divided by 7 hour work day X 189 contact days less the 11 vacation days to get an hourly rate of $24.08. That is the same as $48K in the real world. 40 hours a week X 52 weeks minus 2 weeks vacation. Know any other fresh out of college professionals who make $48K? Get excellent benefits? Never have to work weekend duty unless they choose to? Get increases for taking required courses? Get comp days for being available after hours for teacher conferences? Most importantly, this is still America. No one is forcing anyone to be a teacher. If that profession is truly that bad - QUIT! I appreciate teachers as I am licensed to be one, but I despise the whining!
